Sunday, September 6, 2009


We are closing in on our little one coming and still no name so I am wanting a poll.
Your opinion on these names.
!. Kiera
2. Riley
3. Bailey
Mike likes Kiera or Riley
I think I like Riley or Bailey
So we need your opinion.


Aria said...

Ooh, I love Riley or Bailey! I'm feelin' Riley particularly. :) But they're all very cute! I'm so excited for you! A house full of girls!

Micah said...

I love the name Kiera. Very feminine and beautiful! There is a little girl named Bailey in our ward, and she is a cutie. I am sure your kid will be adorable! All the Rileys I know are boys...

Laurel said...

I love Riley or Bailey. I think I too am feeling Riley. They are all cute and I'm sure you will know who she is when she gets here. I can't believe you are almost done. So exciting.

Jinny and Mick said...

Those names are all cute! You guys sound like Mick and I-we cannot ever seem to agree on a name.

Kate Brotherson said...

Looks like Kiera won! Congrats. Let's see pics.