Saturday, March 29, 2008

I was Tagged again

My Husband

His Name? Michael John Constantine

How Old? 31

Where is he from? Spanish Fort, Alabama

How many siblings? He is the baby of 6

What does he do? Pilot for Mesaba Airlines

How long have you been married? 6 1\2 years

What is his best quality? His sense of humor

What is his favorite activity? Snowboarding or Golf

Who eats more? Depends

Who is smarter? He has a photograhic memory I think I am more book smarter but he is in every other way.

Who does the laundry? Me but sometime he does his work clothes

Who does the dishes? Me, I don't know if he even knows how to operate the dishwasher. :)

Who pays the bills? I do, he asks if i want him to but its a control thing for me

Who is more stubborn? Me by far. I am very hard headed

Who wears the pants in the relationship? He thinks he does (he tells me to know my place woman joking of course)

He is a wonderful Husband, Father and Friend. I love being married to such a goofball and loving person. I'm a lucky girl. I love you Michael and am very proud of you.
ok now its Christine and Tanyas turn........